Another geocaching photo. I have a lot of these, since I entertain myself by stocking up on daily photo blog shots while husband searches through brush, water, mud, grass, trees, and sometimes questionable items to find whatever cache may or may not be there. Really, I make it sound worse than it is, but the most enjoyable part to me is finding new things and documenting them with my camera. And, of course, sharing them with you afterward. This shot has two parts; tomorrow you will see the other part. This wall borders a parking lot in a small park next to the Walla Walla River. Apparently we have a lot of talented wall-painters in this valley...or else just one who really likes doing it. This particular section of the river flows through the southeast part of Milton-Freewater. I believe what used to be at this location is an old water plant, but I'm not certain about that. The building has been converted into a covered picnic area, but in all honesty, it's not a place I'd want to spend time exploring after dark. We found plenty of broken beer bottles, among other things. Including the geocache, which was along a riverside path behind the old plant/picnic area. Monday I'll show a photo of the old building.
I like murals and that one looks nice. MB
Have you seen the ones on the bridges and underpasses over here in Spokane... Some incredibly talented artists.
I love this. (And you are the one who explained to me what geocaching was, many months ago!)
Wow...the one in the picture tickles my heart. hope to buy one in future.I too have a Modern Art website that may be of some use to you visitors.Thanks for sharing though.
Hi -
I happened upon your blog and was very surprized to see the photo of a portion of my river mural. I lived in Milton-Freewater at the time I painted this in 2001. Here is a link to the mural portion of my website: http://poppenga.com/mural.html
On that page, in the left column, click on Walla Walla River Ecology (it's at the bottom of the column. There you can read about how the mural was created and see more photos.
Thanks for posting this cool surprize for me to discover (and yes, I like geo-caching too!)
Carol Poppenga
Main website: poppenga.com
Blog site: poppenga.blogspot.com
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