Downtown Walla Walla is full of old buildings with original lettering and signage still visible. The Drumheller building is one of them, located on Alder Street, just one block south of Main Street. I tried to research more about this building that is currently used as office space and small businesses, I was fairly unsuccessful. One website said the building was constructed in 1904. Another I found had a photo that claims to have been taken from the top of the "newly constructed" Drumheller Building, looking down South Main Street. That makes me wonder if Alder used to be Main Street before what we now know as Main Street was named such. Anyone know anything more?
I like the older buildings and their signage. Mostly are brick because all the wooden ones eventually burn down. Well not all but.....
Love the Owl story. Poor guy. Did you ever see it fly away? MB
Buildings like this give one a sense of connection to the past...I'm happy when they don't paint over or otherwise remove those signs.
I love to see the historical buildings standing. Too many times, cities doze them down to put up high-rise buildings that are more modern and probably more energy efficient. But...we lose our identity: who we are and where we came from. We need the older building to trace our history and our roots.
When I was a 13 yr old boy 42 years ago drumhellers was a Sporting Goods store and i took my hunting safety course there and I still have my 22 rifle bought from there.
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