Here's a semi-bird's eye view of the south fork of the Walla Walla River. As you can see, November has taken its toll on the surrounding foliage, giving the area an entirely new (and seasonal) beauty. Though it looks rough and wild, this is a relatively small river - especially if you compare it with the nearby (approx. 30-minute drive) Columbia River. However, places along this medium-sized river do run deep, and in the spring, the water is much closer to the top of its banks. There is actually a geocache on the other side of the river from the trail, which has been frustrating my husband for many months. You can either cross in the summer, when it's fast and deep, or the winter when it's shallower...and much colder!
You really captured that churning, frothy water! (Looks cold!) This is a beautiful shot.
I love these smaller to medium rivers. I'll bet in the Spring it is running much higher. MB
That is a gorgeous photo. At first, I thought it was a photo of a painting, it is so perfect. Awesome detailing. Guess we have God to thank for the scenery!
I LIKE IT! I want one in my backyard. It is really a great picture. I like the contrast of the gray trees and the green pine trees and the rushing water. I feel like I could almost hear the water rushing by, on its way to... where does it go?
Agree with Laurie about the water...wouldn't want to get my tootsies wet, brrrr.
Would, however, love to take a stroll in the woods.
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