Sorry...another photo not taken in Walla Walla, but through the eyes of a WWV resident. This was taken last Christmas Eve at midnight mass at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in La Grande, Oregon. My husband's family has always attended midnight mass on Christmas Eve, in spite of the fact that they are not Episcopalian. They are in fact Seventh-day Adventist, but Adventists don't do midnight mass. My husband's mother plays organ for the Episcopal Church every Sunday, and so it just turned into a fun tradition to attend midnight mass with her on Christmas Eve. Once they were older, my husband and his sisters provided music for the pre-mass meditation. Now we all do it - spouses included! Last Christmas we did a capella versions of two very beautiful old carols, including "Lullay, Lullay." The soft lighting in the church made photos difficult, but I couldn't ruin the mood by using flash. So it's a bit blurry, but I just love the warm light. Imagine your favourite carol being played softly by your favourite instrument, and enjoy the welcoming atmosphere of this lovely little small-town church. Merry Christmas, everyone!
Beautiful picture. the blur and golden color give a warm and magical feeling.
Happiness to you and yours.
The blur adds to the photo. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
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