On Sunday, my husband and I went to Southfork, a popular walking/biking area to the southeast of Milton-Freewater. There is a picnic area and campground there, as well, known as Harris Park, but it is closed for the season. This is a beautiful time of year to go, as the summer crowds are gone, and the earth is preparing for a "long winter's nap." I of course took my camera to stock up on great WWV shots, and think I did fairly well at grabbing some interesting things to show you. My focus on this trip was, for some reason, close-up shots. So there will be a few of those this week, but all are from the Southfork area. Today's shot is of a mushroom turned upside-down. No, I didn't pluck and turn it myself - I found it this way! I just loved the uniformity of the underside of the mushroom. Oh, by the way, it's called Southfork because the trails take you on a tour along the south fork of the Walla Walla River. I'll show pictures of that this week, too.
Geometry in nature. I have tons of SLIDES (yes, remember those?) of mushrooms.
God is soooo awesome to have created all of these wonderful, unique plants, etc. When I see the diversity in God's creations, I often wonder how anyone could believe in evolution. Every creation is unique unto itself.
"I am fearfully and wonderfully made." (Psalm 139:14, KJV)
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