I chose the name of this posting in honour of a new friend of mine, Kevin. I've never actually met the Korean gentleman, but he is in the process of walking across America, learning about religion, faith, and beliefs. He started on the Washington Coast and is making his way to the East Coast where he lives now. He's had some fascinating interactions already, and it's been fun to watch his progress on
his blog. He signs all of his emails, "Pax," and as that describes this scene perfectly, it is today's post's title. This idyllic scene was taken in front of the house belonging to a friend of mine. It's lovely to sit on their front deck and listen to the water flowing by. Just downstream is where this branch of the Little Walla Walla River splits into 3 irrigation streams, and before each of the three streams is a little drop from the water gate, so it's like having a waterfall outside your house. Very neat! I'm a sucker for water features, and this one is no exception! What makes is ten times better is that it's natural!
Pax indeed! What a peaceful, beautiful spot. REminds me of the creeks I used explore growing up in Texas.
THanks for the link to Kevin's blog. What a fascinating undertaking. I only read the last few entries and I'm looking forward to checking out the archives.
That does look serene and peaceful. I could use some of that right now.
I also checked Kevin's blog. What an interesting trek he has ahead. I hope it's a fruitful journey for him.
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