What this building used to be I never could figure out. It sat empty for several years, and then suddenly last year (I think) it turned into something called "Luscious by Nature." To the left of the covered part of the patio dining area is a door marked, "An Urban Market." Although I still haven't figured out what either of those two names mean, I have eaten here twice, and enjoyed it both times. I didn't necessarily enjoy the bill, but their veggie wrap was simply amazing. Avocado makes anything better. Except maybe ice cream. Correct me if I'm wrong here... At any rate, the building has stood on this spot since the very early 20th century, though what it was originally built for I can't say. Maybe this is a research project for me. Anyone from the area know anything about the history of this building?
I know nothing about the building, but I remember seeing it when it was empty. I do know something about avocado ice cream: it's just...O.K. Nothing that needs to be tasted twice.
Wow - I don't know a thing about the building, but I love the look of it and am sure I would love to eat there!
Let me know if you find out more about it...
Oh, and you're not wrong about avocados! :-)
Hi Becky - well, you asked about tasting avocado ice cream - it was part of a long-time-ago radio promotion when I was in that industry. I also tasted pickle ice cream, tomato ice cream, and BLT ice cream. They all were not as offensive as they sound. The taste was very mild.
Hey Becky, that building used to be a Masonic temple. It has the Masonry symbol on the front. It's a beauty. You might want to look up "Freemasons" or "Freemasonry" to figure out what that building was used for.If it has changed into something else, I am surprised the Masonry symbol wasn't removed, so maybe they still use part of the building for their meetings. Freemasonry used to be a huge fad, but now it's almost dead. I found you from Boise Diva's blog.
Hey Becky, that building used to be a Masonic temple. It has the Masonry symbol on the front. It's a beauty. You might want to look up "Freemasons" or "Freemasonry" to figure out what that building was used for.If it has changed into something else, I am surprised the Masonry symbol wasn't removed, so maybe they still use part of the building for their meetings. Freemasonry used to be a huge fad, but now it's almost dead. I found you from Boise Diva's blog.
It isn't really the Masonic logo if you look at it close up. It is a S--A for scheatz and Adams. Now you have to find out who there are/were. Good luck. MB
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