Sunday, July 13, 2008

Highland Fever

Yesterday we celebrated my sister's birthday by attending the local Caledonia Games. It was a ton of fun, and we learned a lot! There were dancing and piping competitions (yes, that's piping with bagpipes), performances, souvenirs, treats, and even kilts for sale, and clan tents to visit. My sister and I paid $5 each for two raffle tickets for a trip for 2 to Scotland. We're both determined that one of us will win. We'll see! This young girl (probably about 9) was competing in the solo dance competition. The ones I saw went up to 3 dancers per group. They were such fun to watch!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Wonderful, effective silhouette against those dry sunny hills!
So, did they toss kabers and eat Haagas (sp?)
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