Friday, May 1, 2009

Workspace Visitor

This morning as I was working at my desk, I kept hearing chirping and singing. It sounded quite close to my window, so I watched for a few minutes. I wasn't disappointed. Within moments, a small bird landed on the electric wires under the eaves. When it flew away I quickly turned the blinds so I had a better view, pulled out my camera, and waited. Shortly thereafter, another one landed. I managed to snap a few shots before it took off again. After consulting my bird-wise husband and the North American bird book we have, I determined it was either a Violet-Green or Tree Swallow. Can anyone identify it for sure from this photo?

1 comment:

The Mom said...

I'm not sure what it is. I love this time of year when I wake up to the birds singing. We've been sleeping with the bedroom window open a bit and the birds start chirping fairly earl.