I've been out of town and didn't have a chance to schedule postings, so I apologize for the tardiness of this post. It was supposed to go up April 1, for April Fools Day (or so it's called in the United States - what is it called where you live?). This poor quality photo was snapped through my car window when I noticed spur-of-the-moment that some humourous person (student?) had placed an umlaut on the Walla Walla U. sign. I found it amusing...it didn't harm anything, and it was pretty clever. Happy April Fools!
:-)) In France we call it "poisson d'avril" (i.e. April fish) and since we're talking Umlauts, in German it would be: "April, April"!
That one earned a second glance from me as well! And then I started pulling out my rusty German to pronounce it....
Until you pointed it out, I didn't even notice it!
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