Earlier this spring I promised to follow the blossoming flowers as they appeared throughout the length of the season. There is an order to what blooms when, and I hadn't noticed it until I lived close enough to work to start walking every day. I missed the crocuses this year, but
the daffodils I got. They are almost all dead now, and the tulips are headed that direction, too. Next is the lilacs. Our neighbour's bush is just about fully bloomed, and it's beautiful. I'll keep an eye out for a good shot of some lilacs. These tulips are in front of a church, and when I saw them this evening I couldn't pass up the opportunity...there aren't many left to capture tulips this season. I love that there's a hint of orange on the tips of the petals.
Very pretty tulips. I love the color. MB
Hmmm, I'll have to plant bulbs this year. The ones we planted last fall were apparently too old and dried out to promote growth. I especially love hyacinths because of their fragrance. Daffodils and tulips are beautiful and colorful, but they have no scents.
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