This graffiti was scribbled on a wall of the scenic overlook shelter in yesterday's post. It caught my eye because 1) it wasn't full of swear words, 2) it was small print and only one colour, and 3) it started with a word not usually found in graffiti. It made me think. I hope it says something meaningful to you today.
very good advice and nice graffiti for a change
and lots of lines too!
Sunshine Coast Daily - Australia
Terrific advice! Wish I had it in my early 20's (although I would not have listened). Great post.
Becky, Are you still in Seattle!? If so, let me know if you have time to meet for coffee or somthing. If not, next time lets meet up. Okay?
Cool graffiti!
Seattle Daily Photo
A very timid grafitti artist. Although the words aren't timid.
I like that a lot :)
Thank you for your many comments on my pictures - it means a lot that you took the time to comment on so many, thank you! With regards to your question about "Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand", rather embarrassingly it is actually a line from a Duran Duran song from 1982 (when I was in my early teens and into that sort of thing - actually don't tell anyone but I still secretly rather like them). The song is called Rio, I'm sure you'll find the lyrics on Google.
Very nice catch Becky!
Hello, Becky. Thank you for visiting my Belgrade blog today. Indeed, there are many stray dogs here, and I wish I could home them all. Some I have.
Your post today meant a lot to me, since I have recently lost my husband. Love, lose, live again...what else can one do?
Graffiti with a message. Now taht's a change. Well spotted.
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