This is the mural on the brick wall next to Rogers Bakery (see yesterday's post). It is an ocean scene, with sunset, reflecting water, seabirds, palm trees, and beautiful colours. It really hides the fact that you're sitting, really, in an alley! I do not know the name of the artist, but if anyone does, please share it. I think he/she did a marvelous job, and it has really made the patio dining at the cafe so much better than it originally was. It's very inviting, and I really do love eating out there. It is, unfortunately, getting a little too chilly to do that for much longer, though! So I'm enjoying it while I can. My husband and I ate lunch there on Thursday. If you can get to the Walla Walla Valley sometime, make sure you try this little bakery and cafe on College Avenue.
These murals are sure great at hiding unattractive walls. Very nice.
I wish we had more like this. I agree with Jill they make an ugly area beatiful.
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