Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fall is Here!

I am so excited to report that Fall is definitely here in the Walla Walla Valley.  This picture from my cell phone doesn't do this gorgeous tree justice; I will try to get a better picture later this week.  I'm wearing a scarf and a jacket today and am loving the chilly fall weather.  Perfect for tea, blankets, scarves, and my daughter's adorable rain boots.  Which reminds me - I haven't posted a picture of my Little Miss here in a while, have I?  I should do that soon.  So is fall in your area yet?  What does fall look like where you live?  (Or for those of you in the southern hemisphere - what does spring look like where you are?)  Happy October!


Anonymous said...

Looks a bit stormy too...

Becky said...

It has been quite dark and rainy for the last week. Definitely another sign of fall.