This is my neighbour. We share a gravel/dirt driveway, and it very frequently develops large potholes that make driving down the driveway a real pain. The driveway is actually no one's property; it is owned by the city due to the creek that runs just on the other side of the driveway there. At the other end of the driveway (to the left of the photo) there is a walkway across a water gate that the city needs daily access to. So the city has a lien on the driveway, meaning it's really public space, in spite of the fact that it's our driveway. Unfortunately the city's claim to our driveway only stretches so far as to allow them to drive up and down it whenever they wish, and not as far as repairing the damage done. So our neighbour, who for some reason owns a small piece of machinery as you see here, took it upon himself to repair the holes himself last weekend. The driveway is much better now...but a few more rains and a few more packing down of the hole fillers by our heavy cars will mean another leveling out is due.
I imagine it costs money... :-)
Doesn't everything...
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