This is the valley's local toy store, Inland Octopus. I honestly have no idea why it's called that, so if any local is reading this and knows the answer, please share in the comments. The mural above the entrance to the store is quite controversial in the valley, and has garnered some national news coverage. Walla Walla's downtown foundation has regulations regarding signage and storefronts. The foundation believes that this mural violates the code for downtown storefronts, and they have filed a civil suit against the store, charging them $100 per day until they either a) remove the mural or hide it with something acceptable or b) win in court. In my opinion the mural adds character and fits perfectly with this particular toy store. I've been told by some people I know that their kids love it - and what else should matter? It's a toy store, designed for kids. Regulations and foundations aside, what do you think of it?
Well... I don't know where it is so I guess I'd have to see it in situ but why oh why not?
Laws are laws, but whatever has happened to the rights of individuals or companies for that matter to make a determination as to how to utilize private property... this doesn't look nasty nor is it harming anyone...hope they win.
sounds like a bunch of people have nothing else better to do than complain. Most of the store owners in Walla Walla support it. I will shop here, primarily to support these independent shops.
I love it. These days you have to do something to draw attention to your business. Why are people always trying to stifle creativity.
With all the money we don't have (budget cuts, "furlough days" understaffed police/fire departments and schools) - is it really a prudent use of tax money to fight a local business owner who is probably struggling to keep his store afloat?
Seems like some of that money could be used to fund the special needs children's classes or not cut hospice services. Politicians are useless wastes of skin and air. You don't like the sign, then don't shop there. Howe hard is that to grasp?
I bet city council would't mind another corporate landscape like Starschmucks moving in there. At least then the soccer moms wouldn't bitch.
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